In my last post I stated that if just %1 of the people we tell about our time in Dell Hell never purchased a dell product as a result, I would feel we had gotten our money out of Dell...
But exactly how much is that %1 going to cost Dell in the end?
I tried this once before and didn't get too far... but if I stick to a simple scenario we can get a fair idea. Simple means if we don't know the figure we can just make a fair estimate...
Lets' start with how many people I actually tell our story to, and then figure out what the average person might purchase in their lifetime.
I am going to use a nice round figure of 10,000 people who will have heard our story before we are done. One percent of 10,000 is 100.
So we now have 100 people who will not buy a Dell product because of our efforts.
Now, if the average person replaces a computer every 3 years and assigning a average age of 30 to each person, then they would buy 3 products per decade for the next 4 decades which is 12 products. Lets throw in one peripheral product per decade too, Dell is big on selling you other things besides a computer.
So we have 16 products per person x 100 persons = 1600 products
So lets assign an average of $1200 per product and now we are getting somewhere...
Total cost to Dell for ripping off my daughter is about $1,900,000.00
BUT for each of those persons who don't buy a Dell, let's be fair and figure that they too will divert at least one other customer from Dell... so now the figure doubles itself...
Total cost to Dell for ripping of my daughter is now $3,800,000.00
Makes me feel better now that I have an idea of what my efforts here are worth!!
Dell have behaved atrociously in their dealings with my daughter and it was all so simple to begin with... Do the right thing, replace the faulty computer and win your customer over... or, lie, stonewall, and give them the run around and it will cost you... Now we know how much!
10,000 - Number of people I will reach with my efforts to alert the public to Dells' business practices.
1 - Percent of people we reach who will not buy Dell products.
1600 - Number of product sales lost by Dell as a result of our efforts as described above
1200 - Average cost of individual product sales lost.
1,900,000 - Approximate Dollars lost by Dell as a direct result of our efforts.
3,800,000 - Dollars it cost Dell if you accept that each of the 100 lost customers also tells a friend.
dell hell