Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dell Hell - By the Numbers 11

20 - approx $ cost of the of the 4.9 million shares Michael Dell bought in early September

15 - approx $ cost of dell shares today

5 - The number of Dumbest stock moves of the week according to Motley Fool, of which Dell is No. 1, and while not technically a "stock move" a dell marketing scheme was silly enough to be called "corporate buffoonery". Oh, well, good to be number one at something! Way to Go Dell Marketing!

388436 - Number of views of the youtube parody "My PC is on Fire" (September 30)

230 - approx number of views per day of youtube parody "My PC is on Fire" since May

2 - Number of my favorite quotes I will end with

Michael Dell speaking to Business Week in July
"We are going to have a big second half..."

Michael Dell speaking to Business Week in July
“These large financial institutions, generally speaking, they’re not going away...”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

way to go Duff

