Another 250 jobs were lost in Ireland.
These loses and others were announced in the plans by Dell to shed over 8,000 jobs worldwide. A plant in Texas, home state to the company, will see the loss of some 900 jobs and was announced earlier this month.
Most of the loses are in the customer service sector of Dell and much of the work is going to India to the great distress of many frustrated Dell customers.
I posted comments on the Direct2Dell blog on that topic and stated that I never had a problem understanding anyone, and if I did Texans can talk pretty funny too, eh? So who cares, as long as they HELP....
The shocking thing to me about it all is that Customer Service is the biggest source of woe for Dell and it seems a desperate move to axe jobs in the english speaking world. Do executives have no ability to look at the long term?
Dell should suck it up, keep moving ahead with good products and good service at competitive prices and build for the long term future... that will mean taking loses, quarter after quarter till things get better both within Dell and globally, but they still make buckets of money every year and that is what they seem to be focused on, the old mantra of "share price and investors first, customers last" which drives much of American industry.